I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Quantitative Biodiversity Dynamics Group (QBD) of Utrecht University, a guest researcher at the Ecology & Biodiversity Group (E&B) of Utrecht University, and a guest researcher at the Animal Ecology Group of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO).   


With my research, I address challenges in eco-evolutionary dynamics between environmental changes and spatio-temporal patterns in ecosystems. I am particularly interested in how plants and animals move and why they use certain movement strategies. At QBD, I use deep learning to bridge the gap between the use of maximum entropy theory in ecology and finding potential solutions to decrease further biodiversity decline. At NIOO, I am working on a project to estimate goose migration by modelling their movements. At E&B, I collaborate with Merel Soons on seed dispersal by water in lowland streams, and with Marijke van Kuijk, in collaboration with Patrick Jansen from Wageningen University, on methods to optimize time interval estimation for camera trapping data analysis.